You know you need to have ‘the talk’ with your son. There are concerns you may have about what information he is getting from friends and what he is exposed to daily. What can be even more concerning is what he doesn’t know. You may be willing and able to approach certain subjects, but would like some back up when having this conversation.
A Point of Reference will fill the gaps of ‘the talk’ and allow you to capitalize on the topics you really feel a young man should know. The benefit is in the knowledge they will gain on life events that can be life changing.
As parents, guardians, mentors or teachers, we all want to lessen the amount of times that our young men have to say ‘’I didn’t know that’’ or ‘’nobody ever told me’’. A Point of Reference will make sure that a young man knows what to expect and what is expected of them as they enter adulthood.
Do not allow your son, your grandson, your nephew, or any other young man, enter their high school years without A Point of Reference.
Also have your son, nephew, or grandson, check out my social media at YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. It will give him a chance to actually see and hear me talk about the many different subjects of direction, encouragement, and advice, so that when they get a chance to read the book they will have a better idea of what I’m trying to get across to them.